Moringa oleifera
Multidimensional Moringa can combat malnutrition while fuelling the future
----- Prospects for profitable sustainability
Moringa oleifera is an essential plant in meeting Global food security and sustain the livelihoods of many millions of people. Climate change provides both opportunities and challenges for attaining the potential contribution of the wonderful tree for sustainable human development. Strategies need to be developed to address key issues in productivity, crop plant-soil/water/energy resources management, and postharvest utilization as food and feed, nutritional and health value addition, and trade and commercialization, so that the role of Moringa in ensuring sustainable development can be enhanced. On realizing the potentiality of Moringa as a nutritional security provider and the high value energy crop, much importance is attached globally and this is the right time to gear up for research and development activities to reap its fullest potential.

Moringa India the Moringa arm of Advanced Biofuel Centre(ABC), is the worldwide promoter of Moringa that designs and implements the growing of Moringa Oleifera crops in a structured Agri-Supply chain, Value additions of Moringa and research activities thereon & provides support/services from“Soil to Superfood”for development and establishment of the Moringa Plantation. ABC Support, assist, represent, advise, negotiate, manage and train participating Farmers/Stakeholders in all matters, to successfully plant and harvest Moringa Oleifera for the production of food, feed, fuel and affiliated products in India and Worldwide.
Having specialized ABC in several fields of Moringa Production related consultancy and services we see great opportunities for doing business with it for well-beings of rural masses.
Bycultivating this superfood and super energy-producing plants, processing them and finally producing food, fuel and animal feed, we are creating new sources of income for the rural farmers.
ABCs research findings and on-hand field experiences in respect of various technical, agronomical/silvicultural aspects of plantations of Moringa in various categories of land as well under different plantation models have resulted in significant improvements in knowledge and technical background related to Productivity, profitability and sustainability of commercial production of Moringa crop.
We are pursuing the unique suitability of all parts of the plant for a wide range of practical purposes ranging from agricultural to medicinal to fuel. Scientists at ABC have been engaged in research and development activities to reap its fullest potential since last decade. With years of continuing research, experiments and trials has provided an adage to find and develop sustainable agricultural development in arid and impoverished areas throughout the tropics and sub tropics globally. With experience, expertise, and technology for Moringa we can establish Moringa plantation for various purposes from ground zero to harvesting stage,
With years of continuing research, experiments and trials has provided an adage to find and develop 2nd generation biodiesel feedstock with low cost input technology. After having a number of successful field trials ABC has honor to establish Moringa oleifera - another potential feedstock for Bio- Diesel industry of future because it could serve as food and an oil source for biodiesel.
Moringa as a sustainable Food source for developing countries
Globally, about 870 million people do not have enough to eat, and more than two billion suffer from micronutrient deficiency, according to United Nations (UN) food agencies. The Moringa tree is increasingly considered as one of the world's most valuable natural resources, as the main constituents of the tree have several nutritive ingredients. Its leaves, pods and flowers are considered good sources of vitamins A, B, B2, B3, B6 and C, folic acid, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, and amino acids. More importantly, its leaves are highly nutritious; being a significant source of beta-carotene, vitamin C, protein, iron and potassium Arial. Moringa oleifera is an essential plant in meeting global food security and sustain the livelihoods of many millions of people. Food vs. fuel, for most, comes and goes with price cycles. It is seen as a transitory debate, usually focused on a handful of feedstocks that producers of food or fuel have become overly dependent on. To us, diversity is the solution - and diversification the strategy, and scientists and entrepreneurs must ultimately solve the debate by ending the need for it.
Moringa as a source of biodiesel
The oil from the Moringa tree is a more sustainable biodiesel feedstock as it can yield both food and fuel. Among those searching for solutions to feed the hungry, Moringa is well known. Malnourished children flourish with the introduction of the nutritious Moringa leaf crop, which provides protein, vitamins and minerals in their diets. The greatest potential for this species is currently thought to be in its cultivation for the production of biodiesel. Yields of about 20 metric tons of pods per hectare per year are achievable MOMAX3 Moringa trees. This would equate to between 3000 and 4000 liters of biodiesel per hectare per annum. It is particularly desirable because it is a very low water-use crop and may be cultivated on marginal land commercially
Considering Moringas potential as an oilseed feedstock for biodiesel ABC has honor to establish this untapped resource as alternative source for Bio- Diesel industry of future.
The Moringa oleifera trees must be regarded as a sure source of 2nd Generation Biodiesel and the foundation around which a profitable Business plan can be built for its ability to provide large amount of oil and its pure hardiness and stress handling ability. The Moringa oleifera tree that has enough credentials: a higher recovery and quality of oil than other crops, no direct competition with food crops as it is a edible source of fuel, and no direct competition with existing farmland as can be grown for both purpose same time
Strategies For Commercialization Of Moringa
Moringa farm production is straightforward. The productive plantation of Moringa needs to be scientifically managed for better growth and production. The growth and yield of the plant could be improved through effective management practices.

There are a few practices that every grower must apply in order to produce a successful harvest and maintain efficient and effective farm production. Suggested practices are as follows:
- Choose a proper variety for a certain growing area with a defined purpose
- Plant disease-free transplants
- Intercrop with vegetables and other crops for maximum land utilization
- Execute on-time and regular insect pest and disease protection
- Administer proper fertilization management (apply only recommended fertilizer dosages for certain varieties)
- Arrange for timely seed harvesting
- Implement a sustainable farm management system
We have developed different cultivator and cultivation technology for Moringa farming
-for leaf purpose and
-for Moringa harvesting for seed oil purpose and also
-for both
The enhanced cultivation technology and improved inputs developed by ABC may provide about 4000 liters of oil without displacing food crop and without utilizing prime food land in terms of sustainable farming techniques
The key factors that can influence the oil yield of Moringa are:
- Climate
- Quality of the soil
- Irrigation
- Weeding
- Pruning
- Use of fertilizer
- Crop density
- High-quality stock from superior Genotype
- Use of pesticide
- Inter-cropping
- Harvesting
Moringa India carefully manages Moringa cultivation, with advanced crop practices suitable to local soil, weather, pest, and disease conditions to ensure the high amount of oil as we have developed enhanced technology with regards to:-
- Planting materials & other inputs
- Crop Management
- Irrigation Management
- Fertilizer Management
- Pest & Diseases management.
- Harvesting Management
- Post harvest management
- And finally grading for further process
The key factors governing profitability of large scale production are:
- Selection of high yielding varieties with suitable marketable quality.
- Planting in a proper season, in compliance with the latest agro techniques.
- Pest control
- Adoption of post harvest management.
Moringa Research & Development
The Advanced Biofuel Center (ABC) is a bioenergy crop research and development company that is meeting global demand for sustainable plant oil, specializing in the development of Moringa as a low-cost, sustainable source of oil, recently announced the launch of MOMAX 3, a proprietary cultivar of Moringa optimized for Moringa growing conditions with yields 300 percent greater than existing varieties.
MOMAX 3 is the first elite cultivar developed through the ABC's MOMAX Moringa Optimization Platform known as Moringa India. The platform provides growers and plantation developers with access to the highest yielding and most profitable Moringa in the world, specifically optimized for their unique growing conditions.
ABC is a crop science Research & development entity, but by instinct it is a commercial multiproduct and services company seeking to valorize a range of products, services and business opportunities that are being developed around Moringa. In common with its peers the company initiated its operations in the second half of the first decade of this century. Its research focus was India, the region of origin for Moringa, where it developed an extensive germplasm library. The result of 7 years of applied investment and research is reflected in MOMAX3 Perennial Moringa cultivar, a suite of enabling technologies and an ambition to transform Moringa into a versatile crop for diverse agricultural and climatic environments.
The ABCs goal is to triple Moringa yields within 10 years, increase the oil content to 48 percent and in combination of other plants the target oil yield is 1500 gallon per ha. Further, to improve the quality of the oils and other products produced while minimizing inputs including pesticides and fertilizers. The years of continuous research, experiments and in cultivating and breeding of Moringa Oleifera and other biofuel crops, ABC was able to develop a systematic breeding and cultivar development strategy. Newly bred cultivars are extensively tested in multi-location trials and true to kind seeds are being produced with high quality standard
Enhanced Moringa Agronomy: Cultivation Technology

The Moringa tree is native to India but has naturalized across tropical and subtropical regions. The tree has incredible nutritional value, low demand for water and prolific growth and biomass production. As the seeds do not form a staple food source, the food for the people or food for fuel issue is argued to be not relevant. Also, the tree is able to grow in marginal lands and the leaf litter has the potential to improve the quality of the soil and is documented as having improved the size and quality of vegetable crops that have been intercropped with Moringa.
The productive plantation of Moringa needs to be scientifically managed for better growth and production. The growth and yield of the plant could be improved through effective management practices.
ABCs Researchers have developed standardized techniques for growing Moringa oleifera on large scale. ABC ensures Organic Moringa plantation right from the land preparation, crop management to production of end product. ABC Moringa Farms are under the vigilant supervision of agronomists, who make sure that the latest and best breed of Moringa oleifera is being planted. However, we keep a close watch on the research results of Moringa breeding by studying thousands of Moringa variants, identifying and collecting the best sources of high-quality to guarantee a consistently high yield, a stem, or scion, from a tree with a demonstrated capacity to produce many pods/seeds. This not only removed the uncertainty from the yield, it also provides multiple harvests within a few months. Accordingly, the enhanced variety of pkm-1 and MOMAX3 with regards to Leaf Production OR seed yield and oil yield and the enhanced Cultivation techniques may ensure proper and profitable production of THE CROP providing early fruition and flowering.
We have developed different set of products and services for establishment of Moringa plantation for various purposes

Moringa Energy Project Services
Setting of Moringa Oil Project from ground zero
Super High Densitive Moringa Farming System for leaf harvesting
ABC is happy to provide Moringa Cultivation Technology for leaf Production and for seed oil production at an affordable PriceThe cultivation, looking after and harvesting plants is an important factor and it requires a lot of knowledge, skill and techniques viz: the best cultivation season to make the plant early matured, then an amount of seeds to be planted, an irrigation & fertilization method, a control method of weeds , investigate quality, yield, and degree of occurrence of several troubles .
Therefore keeping in view Various concerns and problems of a new Grower; ABC being the Centre of Excellence has designed Moringa Growing & Care Instructions Manual with Monitoring & Management System Diary on the basis of our own tried, tested, developed and experienced Plant Propagation and Cultivation Technologies and Practices to help you grow a Failsafe Moringa Fuel Farm
The Moringa Growing & Care Instructions manual provides basic guidance for the project developers to help ensure successful Moringa cultivation projects.
Proper planning, cultivation and maintenance are the key for growing flourishing plants. Simply putting a plant in the ground is not enough. Careful thought must be given to the purpose of the cultivation, location of the cultivation and how the Moringa will be cared for once they are in the ground.
A properly planted and maintained plant will grow faster and live longer than one that is incorrectly planted. This booklet is organized as a step-by-step checklist of fundamentals to help you with your Moringa cultivation project
We have sincerely tried to put all steps in nutshell and hope it will be a useful tool in growing your Moringa Plantation/
Moringa set of books Moringa Crop Information Growing & Care Instruction Manual and Monitoring & management system can be ordered here
Moringa Agricultural Extension Kit
ABC has specifically developed and designed a unique kit for Moringa plantation and crop care for 1 hectare called: Agricultural Extension Kit a key to your fuel farm just enables & encourages the farmers/ new growers to start the Biodiesel crop cultivation in a right and prefect manner by adopting the concept of Sustainable agriculture.
Moringa Elite Seeds
The Advanced Biofuel Center (ABC) has made significant progress on its work with Moringa Oleifera, a multi-dimension tree that bears high value oilseeds. With development of a highly productive annual PKM1 and perennial (MOMAX3) variety of the plant and a set of best practices that will enable high oil yields.
We have developed different cultivator and cultivation technology for Moringa farming
for leaf purpose and
for Moringa harvesting for seed oil purpose
PKM1 is the improved best variety, we have developed for Moringa cultivation for leaves and MOMAX3 the highest seed yielding variety for Moringa plantation for seeds/oil
About MOMAX3 Moringa Seed Variety
Advanced Biofuel Center(ABC) has unveiled the Moringa oil industrys most productive seeds worldly known as MOMAX3, which promise to deliver three times the yield of the industry average.
Through its MOMAX3 improved seed product line, We provide growers the highest yielding, most uniform and profitable Moringa in the world. Improved seeds result in greater yield, uniformity and vigor while significantly reducing Plantation costs for growers. MOMAX3 improved varieties have been tested and developed for a range of climatic and soil conditions.
We provide growers the highest yielding, most uniform and profitable Moringa in the world. Improved seeds result in greater yield, uniformity and vigor while significantly reducing Plantation costs for growers.
To know more about MOMAX3 Moringa Seed variety , please click here
You can book your seed requirement here
Yield Estimates: Moringa oleifera
Moringa: Yields
Yield is a function of light, water, nutrients and the age of the Plant. Good planning, quality planting material, standardized agronomy practices and good crop management may handsomely increase the yields.
Yield Estimates: Moringa oleifera
Approximate Yield/hectare
Optimal yield
1st year
Seed yield
9 tons
Oil (36% of Yield) ton
3.2 ton
Biodiesel ton
3.2 ton
More than any other plant, the Moringa ( Oleifera. ) has played a vital part in the life of human kind and has been central to the development of culture and food. The Moringa is a functional plant in the agricultural system of many countries and has acquired a huge socio economic importance over the centuries. Owing to its never die nature and adaptability, it plays a major role as a feature as a crop that grows even in harsh soil and difficult climatic conditions.
Moringa India the Moringa arm of Advanced Biofuel Centre (ABC), is the worldwide promoter of Moringa that designs and implements the growing of Moringa Oleifera crops in a structured Agri-Supply chain, Value additions of Moringa and research activities thereon & provides support/services from Surface to Superfood, Farming to Fuel, Soil to Oil for development and establishment of the Moringa Plantation. ABC Support, assist, represent, advise, negotiate, manage and train participating growers/developers in all matters, to successfully plant and harvest Moringa Oleifera for the production of food, feed, fuel and affiliated products in India and Worldwide.
Moringa oleifera: A Viable Biodiesel Feedstock?
The Moringa biodiesel meets all the three criteria any environmentally sustainable fuel must meet. These are social, technical and commercial
The seeds from the MOMAX3 Moringa tree contain in excess of 40% oil. The main use of the oil will be as bio fuel and for the production of biodiesel. This oil can also be used for cooking and soap production. Once the oil has been extracted, the seeds can be used as a coagulant for water treatment. The Moringa tree produces green pods; which are edible and the leaves and flowers can be used as a relish. The trees will act as sinks for carbon dioxide and, hence, the Moringa plantation will reduce the amount of this greenhouse gas (GHG) in the atmosphere. The project has many other positive economic, social and environmental impacts: There are income generation opportunities that result from the project like the provision of goods and services to the plantation and its workers
Please check Moringa Economics here
Moringa Business Plan
ABC’s Professional Moringa Business Plan Services
Feasibility Study and Business plan Commercial Cultivation of Moringa Oleifera

The ABC is amongst the world leader in scientific commercialization of Moringa crop across the globe and its research findings and on-hand field experiences in respect of various technical, agronomical/silvicultural aspects of plantations of Moringa in various categories of land as well under different plantation models have resulted in significant improvements in knowledge and technical background related to productivity, profitability and sustainability of commercial production of Moringa crop.
Based on ABC proprietary knowledge and extensive experience gained, the ABC has developed and enhanced a wide range of Products just to ensure "FAILSAFE MORINGA FARM"
ABC can offer Moringa based renewable projects with many plans, resources and proven profitable models. The ABC specialty is business planning with the focus on high productivity and profitability. ABC use its proprietary knowledge to implement programmes through its technology and IPR resulting in new industry, job creation and the offsetting of climate change. ABC is staffed with top quality professionals, renowned surveyors, project managers, planners, technical advisers and highly skilled workers whose goals are to be before the curve in innovation and implementation. With in depth research and development, the Centre is not satisfied with the status quo’ nor complacent with its achievements, but always searching to serve the needs of the community, environment, and its clients.
The ABC observe certain set of principles, methodologies, procedures and practices just to ensure that "projects" are completed on time and within stipulated budget. ABC apply best of its knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to a broad range of activities to meet the requirements of the Moringa project
More details regarding business plans please go to following pages
Moringa Biodiesel Business Plan
Moringa Value addition Business Plan
For a detailed quote for a complete and comprehensive Moringa Biodiesel Business Plan from Farming to fuel, kindly mail or contact
Moringa Training Workshop: Knowledge Platform

In Moringa production, sustainable farm management practices are extremely important, both to ensure protection of the environment as well as to reduce climate change due to pollution. In some countries, these farm practices have already adopted. Such practices as intercrop rotation, use of natural Bio fertilizers and Bio pesticides, reuse of Moringa husks as heating fuel, solar Moringa dryers, and using renewable resources should be integrated whenever possible.
Even a superior genotype variety planted in inadequate soil and improperly cared for, will be unable to reach its potential and will create dissatisfied stakeholders. Therefore, Just to formulate strategies for developing Moringa failsafe farms to reap the potentiality of this crop for leaves and oil seeds.
Therefore it is imperative to gain the insight knowledge and expertise and just to enable the Moringa project developer to do so we have introduced 2 important international programme on Moringa Production and application
1. Global Moringa Meet:
Global Moringa Meet is the premier destination for Moringa growers, producers and professionals interested in the latest Moringa production technology, news and policy. The Global Moringa Meet provides tools to all stakeholders of Moringa industry pros use to plan learn and grow their business whether at the office, in the farm or at factory. It captures the collaborative spirit of the Meet which will be a scientific and educational event covering three major topics:
Section 1 - Cultivation: Moringa
Section 2 - Processing: the processing capabilities and techniques of Moringa leaf/seed/oil
Section 3 - Preconditions: Growing Moringa under aspects of environmental and social sustainability
The 8th Global Moringa Meet is scheduled on November 20-22, 2021, to attend, confirm your registration now.
2. Moringa Farm Stay ( Moringa Farm Internship Program) 2021:
The 7 days working in Moringa Field offers a unique opportunity for anyone interested in Moringa to learn and apply General Agricultural practices and cropping systems on a farm scale that maintain or increase crop production while conserving natural resources.
Participants will be able to interact with Moringa specialists and educators, on all issues that may affect their operations. Experts will let you know management strategies and equipment operation up close on hand to answer your specific questions.
The Moringa Farm Internship will provide an excellent opportunity to learn about sustainable tools, techniques, and approaches that can be integrated in Moringa Production and value added production systems highlighting pest and disease management, cover cropping, leaf/seed production, tools and equipment for commercial production
To book Moringa Farm Stay, click here
Assuring all services all the time
Yours Moringa Partner,
Director Moringa, ABC
Tele: +91-9829423333