Biodiesel Feasibility Studies and Business Plans


The Cost

“In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later.”


No two projects are the same, and the standard boilerplate should not be applied to yours.

While there is a lot of time and effort that goes into the development of a business plan including performing feasibility studies identify business opportunities that can be implemented. Business plans use a strategy to optimize the opportunities presented by a feasibility study. Some of these elements can be more effectively targeted when you have the experience that ABC has in the industry. ABC offers a better product for less money than most other companies doing targeted biodiesel business consultancy.

To carrying out feasibility and prepare the complete and comprehensive biodiesel business plan including Plantation from ground zero to post harvesting, construction of the crushing plant and biodiesel plant with all technical & financial details, ABC’s charges includes the site visit of expert for development of the feasibility study portion of the plan ((The air freight, lodgings/boarding, ground transport taxes etc shall be extra).

We make customized biodiesel business plan for the project size 1000 ha and more

The ready made Biodiesel Business Plans are available 100ha: Order here

We recommend FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT for the projects size of 5000 ha and more
For the project between 1000-5000 ha we can formulate the plan with desk top feasibility study.

Customized, Complete & Comprehensive Biodiesel Business Plan

We make the integration of our experience, expertise and professional knowledge with your information and formulate customized biodiesel business plan. In undertaking this Technical & Financial Inputs assessment, we shall have 

relied on Primary inputs supplied by you, our IPR knowledge & research experiences and expertise in the field; on industry experts and secondary information derived from recognized public sources and via ABC's database and multi-client reports.

For formulation and creation of customized biodiesel business plan for the size of 1000 hectare or more kindly fill up your details here for detailed quote for following 2nd generation biodiesel crops 

  1. ABC’s Biodiesel Business Plans

  1. 1.    Alage Biodiesel Business Plan

  1. 2.    Calophyllum inophyllum L

  1. 3.    Camelina Biodiesel Business Plan

  1. 4.    CASTOR: Ricinus communis Biodiesel Business Plan

  1. 5.    Couple Oil Crop Bodiesel Farming  Plan

  1. 6.    FLAX  Biodiesel Business Plan

  1. 7.    Jatropha Biodiesel Business Plan

  1. 8.    Jojoba Biodiesel Business Plan

  1. 9.    KENAF  Biodiesel Business Plan

  1. 10.Madhuca indica Biodiesel Business Plan

  1. 11.Moringa oleifera Biodiesel Business Plan

  1. 12.Neem (Azadirachta indica) Biodiesel Business Plan

  1. 13.Pongamia pinnata Biodiesel Business Plan

  1. 14.Simarouba glauca Biodiesel Business Plan

  1. 15.Citrullus colocynthis Biodiesel Business Plan

 To carrying out Feasibility and prepare the complete and comprehensive biodiesel business plan including Plantation from ground zero to post harvesting, construction of the crushing plant and biodiesel plant with all technical & financial details, ABC’s charges includes the site visit of expert for development of the pre-feasibility study portion of the plan ((The air freight, lodgings/boarding, ground transport taxes etc shall be extra). It will take 80 to 100 hours of active work and typically takes 4 to 6 weeks to complete from start to finish. The price can range significantly based on amount of market research required, complexity of the financials, novelty of the business model, how much material you have already written or compiled, and many others.  Since feasibility study includes exhaustive market research, and market research is a significant part of writing a business plan, commissioning both together results in a significant discount versus buying them separately. 

For detailed proposal contact us or


A recent survey of other companies performing these services has helped ABC ascertain that it will be one of the least expensive providers for these solutions.


Business Development Division, ABC
T: +91 141 2336859

M: +91-9829423333


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