Pongamia Pinnata

the 2nd generation biodiesel feedstock

----- Prospects for profitable sustainability

CJPPONGAMIAPongamia pinnata is a legume tree with sees containing oils and fatty acids suitable for biodiesel production. It is a fast-growing evergreen tree which reaches 40 feet in height and spread, forming a broad, spreading canopy casting moderate shade. The three-inch-long, pinnately compound, glossy green leaves are briefly deciduous, dropping for just a short period of time in early spring but being quickly replaced by new growth. Small clusters of white, purple, and pink flowers blossom on their branches throughout the year, maturing into brown seed pods. The tree is well suited to intense heat and sunlight and its dense network of lateral roots and its thick, long taproot make it drought tolerant. The dense shade it provides slows the evaporation of surface water and its root structures promote nitrogen fixation, which moves nutrients from the air into the soil. Withstanding temperatures slightly below 0°C to 50°C and annual rainfall of 5–25 dm, the tree grows wild on sandy and rocky soils. Although all parts of the plant are toxic and will induce nausea and vomiting if eaten, the fruits and sprouts, along with the seeds, are used in many traditional remedies. Juices from the plant, as well as the oil, are antiseptic and resistant to pests.

Pongamia Pinnata is one of the few nitrogen fixing trees (NFTS) to produce seeds containing 30-42% oil. The seed oil is an important asset of this tree having been used as lamp oil, in soap making, and as a lubricant for thousands of years. It is often planted as an ornamental and shade tree but ABC has honor to establish this untapped resource as alternative source for Bio- Diesel industry of future.

The Pongamia Pinnata trees must be regarded as a sure source of 2nd Generation Biodiesel and the foundation around which a profitable Business plan can be built for its ability to provide large amount of oil and its pure hardiness and stress handling ability. The Pongamia Pinnata is tree that has enough credentials:  a higher recovery and quality of oil than other crops, no direct competition with food crops as it is a non-edible source of fuel, and no direct competition with existing farmland as it can be grown on degraded and marginal land. As a legume it is also able to fix its own nitrogen from the soil, minimizing the need for added fertilizers.

About the Plant

Pongamia Pinnata is an important no edible oilseed tree that grows in a wide range of conditions including semi-arid regions. The leaves are a good source of green manure and being leguminous, they enrich the soil with nitrogen. The seeds contain around 30–40% of oil, which has been identified as a source of bio-fuel and has medicinal value.

Distribution and Habitat

The natural distribution of Pongamia Pinnata is along coasts and river banks in India and Myanmar. Native to the Asian subcontinent, this species has been introduced to humid tropical lowlands in the Philippines, Malaysia, Australia, the Seychelles, the United States and Indonesia. It has also been naturalized in parts of eastern Africa, northern Australia and Florida.

DI has a varied habitat distribution and can grow in a wide range of conditions. Typically it is found in coastal areas, along limestone and rock coral outcrops, along the edges of mangrove forests, tidal streams and rivers. It is hardy and can survive in temperatures from 5 to 50 °C and altitudes from 0 to 1200 m. Due to its deep roots it also has a tolerance for drought and is found in areas with rainfall from 200 to 2500 mm a year. It grows well in both full sun and partial shade and can grow in most soil types. Mature trees can withstand water logging and slight frost.



Scientific name: Pongamia Pinnata

(Syn. Pongamia pinnata; P. glabra)

Family: Leguminosae

USDA hardiness zones: 10B through 11

Origin: native to India

Availability: generally available in many areas within its hardiness range


Height: 35 to 40 feet

Spread: 30 to 40 feet

Ecological Requirements

Widely occurs and commonly planted species because of its wide adaptability. It grows best in fairly moist situations on porous and well drained soil; thriving even on pure sand and black cotton soil.

Pongamia Pinnata grows almost anywhere, even on gravelly, sandy and saline soils. It can thrive on the poorest stony soil. It can grow even in the crevices of rocks.


 Pongamia Pinnata is found in humid and subtropical environments and also found in the tropics and arid zones and likes heat, although it does well even in lower temperatures and can withstand a light frost. It is also a drought resistant plants water requirement is extremely low

Biophysical limits

Altitude: 0-1200 m, Mean annual temperature: 27 to 38 deg. C, Mean annual rainfall: 200-2500 mm or more.

Pongamia Pinnata can grow on most soil types ranging from stony to sandy to clay, including Verticals. It does not do well on dry sands. It is highly tolerant of salinity. It is common along waterways or seashores, with its roots in fresh or salt water. Highest growth rates are observed on well drained soils with assured moisture. Natural reproduction is profuse by seed and common by root suckers.



By their nature Pongamia trees grow vigorously under adverse conditions and can seed prolifically. They are pioneers of degraded and disturbed land, and can proliferate freely in such conditions. The successful introduction and subsequent expansion of plantings of the new oil crop is reliant on the ability to develop simple and reliable methods for the propagation of large numbers of plants. Further, the long-term viability of tree crop species such as Pongamia is dependent on good management practices.

The productive plantation of Pongamia Pinnata needs to be scientifically managed for better growth and production. The growth and yield of the plant could be improved through effective management practices. The enhanced cultivation technology and improved inputs developed by ABC may provide about 4000 liters of biodiesel without displacing food crop and without utilizing prime food land in terms of sustainable farming techniques

The key factors that can influence the oil yield of Pongamia Pinnata are:

  • Climate
  • Quality of the soil
  • Irrigation
  • Weeding
  • Pruning 
  • Use of fertilizer
  • Crop density
  • High-quality grafting stock from superior Genotype
  • Use of pesticide
  • Inter-cropping
  • Harvesting

ABC’s Researchers have developed standardized techniques for growing Pongamia Pinnata on large scale by studying thousands of Pongamia Pinnata variants, identifying and collecting the best sources of high-quality grafting stock to guarantee a consistently high yield, a stem, or scion, from a tree with a demonstrated capacity to produce many seeds. This not only removed the uncertainty from the yield, it also reduced the time to harvest from eight years to as little as four. Accordingly We at ABC have developed Superior planting material with standard benchmarks as SRIPHL-DI3  with regards to seed yield and oil yield and the enhanced DI Cultivation techniques just to ensure proper and profitable production of THE OIL CROP providing Early fruition and flowering—fourth year onwards 4 years ahead than normal Plants.

PONGAMIA Cultivation Technology” is available at an affordable Price

Pongamia Crop Information Growing & Care Instruction Manual and Monitoring & management system

The planting, looking after and harvesting plants is an important factor and it requires a lot of knowledge, skill and techniques viz: the best planting season to make the plant early matured, then an amount of seeds to be planted, an irrigation &  fertilization method, a control method of weeds , investigate quality, yield, and degree of occurrence of several troubles .

As all biological organisms require care and attention, the need to draw Growing Instructions was being felt by all concerned

Therefore keeping in view Various concerns and problems of a new Grower; ABC being “The Centre of Excellence” has designed Pongamia Growing & Care Instructions Manual with Monitoring & Management System Diary on the basis of our own tried, tested, developed and experienced Plant Propagation and Cultivation Technologies and Practices to help you grow a Failsafe Pongamia Fuel Farm

The Pongamia Growing & Care Instructions manual provides basic guidance for the project developers to help ensure successful Pongamia planting projects.

Proper planning, planting and maintenance are the key for growing flourishing plants. Simply putting a plant in the ground is not enough. Careful thought must be given to the purpose of the planting, location of the planting and how the Pongamia will be cared for once they are in the ground.

A properly planted and maintained plant will grow faster and live longer than one that is incorrectly planted. This booklet is organized as a step-by-step checklist of fundamentals to help you with your Pongamia planting project

We have sincerely tried to put all steps in nutshell and hope it will be a useful tool in growing your Biodiesel Plantation

Both the Pongamia publications are available    

Order Just Know

Agricultural Extension Kit

ABC has specifically developed and designed a unique kit for Pongamia plantation and crop care for 1 hectare called: “Agricultural Extension Kit” – a key to your fuel farm “just enables & encourages the farmers/ new growers to start the Biodiesel crop cultivation in a right and prefect manner by adopting the concept of “sustainable agriculture”.

Pongamia Starter Kit:

Pongamia Agri- Extension Kit contains

1.     SRIPHL DIO3 Elite planting stock for cultivation in 1 ha

2.   an easy- to- follow growing and crop care instructions manual

3.   a very typical monitoring and management diary

Order Just Know

Pongamia Pinnata(Millettia): SRIPHL-DI03, CLASS 1 HYV  Seeds


Pongamia Pinnata



Cultivation Type






Place of Origin

Rajasthan, India

Brand Name


Model Number





      Packing: 2,10,20,50 KG Bags

      Shipment: FOB/CIF

      Minimum QUANTITY: 3.0 tons by sea, 2 kg by air

      PRICE: quote?  

      Working time:  30 days After Payment

      ALL PAYMENT TERM:100 % Advance 

      Phyto sanitary charge: included

 Order Just Know

For Pongamia Failsafe Fuel Farm

DI03SAPÔ Elite HYV Pongamia Saplings

We have developed   DI03SAPÔ the Process of cloning and maintaining an Elite sapling. It has been created from over a decade of research in horticulture and agriculture with the best characteristics of yield, survivability and longevity. Standard Package of Practices (SOP) enable DI03SAP ™ sapling to enhance productivity to achieve greater yields over the lifetime of the plantation with the right crop inputs and management



ECONOMICS: Pongamia Pinnata –A Viable Alternative?

As the biodiesel industry grows, honing a cost-effective and diverse feedstock supply stands out as a top challenge. There is a need to diversify the sources and methods used to generate biofuel products to achieve food security, energy security and sustainable development and carbon savings. Biodiesel producers are looking for alternative feedstocks which are non- agricultural and non-food crops. And Pongamia Pinnatah as the ability to substitute the requirement of low cost feedstock with the potential for high oil seed production and the added benefit of an ability to grow on marginal land. These properties support the suitability of this plant for large scale vegetable oil production needed for a sustainable biodiesel industry.

Here, the key question is: Will it be possible to establish the right cultivation and processing methods so that the Pongamia Pinnata plant can produce a high-quality fuel which can compete with petrochemical diesel in terms of price? After all, one key element that makes all the difference between success and failure is the cost factor—in other words,


We are not in favor of the implementation of a high-tech agrarian concept that warrants for maximum input and delivers bumper crops. Contrary, we are looking for a practicable type of cultivation that is compatible with the routines and possibilities of local farmers, so that the Pongamia Pinnata plantations can be profitable for the rural cultivators with a minimum input of men, money and materials.

The ABCexperts working on the Pongamia Pinnata plantation have developed the best method of cultivating these plants, which require the lowest possible investment of money, labor and materials.

Yield is a function of light, water, nutrients and the age of the Plant. Good planning, quality planting material, standardized agronomy practices and good crop management may handsomely increase the yields.

Pongamia Pinnata will yield at Maturity as high as 1000 gallon oil per ha which shall reached as high as 3400 gallon in 15th year  with proper nutrition, and irrigation.  This is truly an exceptional amount of oil from an agricultural crop.

Table 1: Yield Estimates: Pongamia Pinnata

Approximate Yield/hectare @625 trees/hectare (estimates)*

Optimal yield

4 year

7 year

10 year

15 year

Seed in Shell (Yield) ton





Seed (46% of Yield)  ton





oil (36% of seed) ton





















Table 2: ECONOMIC: Pongamia: 10,000 HA

ECONOMICS : Pongamia Pinnata 10,000 ha at a glance


























Press cake





CER-Revenue (Biodiesel)





CER- Revenue (Plantation)





Total Sales










Crop care & harvesting





Oil extraction






























PONGAMIA BIODIESEL BUSINESS PLAN: ABC'S Professional Business Plan Service

A feasibility study and a business plan are essential steps in developing a successful biodiesel business. However it is not easy to prepare an excellent business plan.

The has been working in the field of nonfood oil crops promotion for biodiesel production and become a pioneer of Biodiesel nut Plantation &Production. ABC’s research findings and on-hand field experiences in respect of various technical, agronomical/silvicultural aspects of plantations of Jatropha and other nonfood biodiesel crops in various categories of land as well under different plantation models have resulted in significant improvements in knowledge and technical background related to Productivity, profitability and sustainability of commercial production of nonfood biodiesel Crops. Based on our proprietary knowledge and extensive experience gained we have developed Based on our proprietary knowledge and extensive experience gained we have developed and enhanced a wide range of Products for creating a “FALESAFE FUEL FARM”

With its extensive experiences in the field, enhanced technology, plant science & professional knowledge,  effective consulting service and business intelligence ABC  can clearly understand the business model, products and services, production, marketing and provides all aspects of feasibility analysis and business development including assessments of the following: crop production, crushing, co-product markets, feedstock acquisition and contracting, technology analysis, risk analysis specific to biodiesel technology, feedstock, markets, and general project risks, market and  financial analysis.

We make the integration of our experience and professional knowledge with your information.  We provide in depth analysis of crop cultivation and crop care part of plan for which we have team of agronomist and plant scientists, and then we have engineers and experts in biodiesel industries to finish the technology and production part of business plan.  We have professionals in accounting to complete financial and economics part. ABC can offer the type of consulting that only numerous years of leadership in the biodiesel market can provide at an affordable price.

ABC can help clients identify the needs, opportunities and solutions of their local, regional and national markets. By identifying these needs and providing management direction, ABC can help in creating a perfect business plan in order to develop and manage an effective and successful biodiesel facility. The most critical component of any business plan is the pro forma, an educated view or projection of what the performance of a company is capable of, given a specific set of assumptions and conditions. ABC has been involved in identifying these needs for specific projects for a number of years and can help develop a realistic and obtainable:

Income Statement

Balance Sheet

Capital Budget

Cash Flow

Break-even Analysis

Sensitivity Analysis

Assumptions Governing the Projections


These projections will be valuable in determining feasibility of the project, securing financing, attracting investment and guiding management so that the company can reach its full potential.

Pongamia Pinnata Energy Project Services (DEP)

Based on our proprietary knowledge and extensive experience gained we have developed and enhanced a wide range of Products just to ensure”  

ABC has developed a set of DEP services with access to our own supply chain intellectual property rights (IPR) and exclusive expertise with technological background and experiences in the field for creation of your ambitious Green Energy Farm.

DEP SERVICE 1: (preliminary stage)          

Land identification is a pre-requisite to development of a Project plan and to meet this requirement Pre-feasibility Study is required to be getting carried out from the competent experienced agency. We do carry out the Pre-feasibility study report for choosing the best location for your green energy Project

DEP SERVICE 2: (preparatory stage)

The formulation of business plan needs in- depth specialists from each field. ABC can offer nonfood renewable energy projects with many plans, resources and proven profitable models. Our specialty is business planning with the focus on high productivity and profitability. Getting the best business plan formation Please visit business plan page

DEP SERVICE 3: (plantation stage)

cjpPongamiaSeedsWe have developed   DI03SAPÔ the Process of creating and maintaining an Elite sapling. It has been created from over a decade of research in horticulture and agriculture with the best characteristics of yield, survivability and longevity. Customized Package of Practices (POP) enable DI03SAP ™ sapling to enhance productivity to achieve greater yields over the lifetime of the plantation with the right crop inputs and management

In order to achieve commercial perfection, it is crucial to understand the crop’s requirements, predict its possible interactions with the environment & develop packages of practices for industrial cultivation

That's why ABC is providing low-cost Crop Cultivation Technology & Crop Care Technology which includes

Improved Agricultural Practices

Varietal Improvements

Enhanced cultural practices

Pest & Disease Control


Going "Green" with the use of Microbial fertilizers

Fine-tuning practices to soil type, environmental conditions & labor


For further details, kindly contact us

Tele: +91-9829423333

E-mail: derrisindica@gmail.com





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