Kenaf a fibrous plant that is commercially grown in warm
regions for paper production. By making more paper from short rotation fiber
crops, more trees can be planted and grown purely for their carbon-sequestering
properties. Kenaf also produces an oilseed that has potential for use as a
biodiesel feedstock, and the remaining biomass could be used for energy or fuel
production. Kenaf hasn't reached its potential
as a fiber crop, but shows promise as a high-quality, high-yielding biodiesel crop.
Species: Hibiscus cannabinus, L.Family: Malvaceae ,
is a warm-season annual fiber crop related to cotton, okra, and hibiscus. The
plants, which reach heights of 8 to 20 feet, are harvested for their stalks
from which the fiber is extracted. India, Bangladesh, China, Myanmar, Nepal
and Thailand are at present the major producers of Kenaf. India, Bangladesh and
China are the large producers. The
expansion of the commercial industry for kenaf will encompass an understanding
of the diverse management systems including the production, harvesting,
processing, and marketing kenaf as a fiber, feed, or seed crop, combined with
directed research, focused development, and communication among diverse
constituencies working closely for economic development. The commercial success
of kenaf has important potential economic and environmental benefits in the
areas of soil remediation, toxic waste cleanup, removal of oil spills on water,
reduced chemical and energy use for paper production, greater recycled paper
quality, reduced soil erosion due to wind and water, replacement or reduced use
of fiberglass in industrial products, and the increased use of recycled
plastics. The activities of private industry augmented by public supported
agricultural research continue to provide a diverse range of new kenaf products
that suggests a bright future for the continued expansion of kenaf as a
commercial biodiesel crop.
plant is said to have been introduced from South Africa and it is grown in
India from time immemorial.Kenaf is an important fibre crop in South India. It
is cultivated as a rainfed crop in large areas in Madhya Pradesh, Andhra
Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. It is sown on the bunds of irrigation channels and in
small patches in garden lands. It is stronger than jute, but not so flexible
and soft.
scientists have to introduce and evaluate kenaf as a non-food crop through an
integrated approach for alternative land use that will provide diversified
opportunities for farmers and biological materials for the “bio-based industries”.
Considering kenaf’s potential as an oilseed feedstock for biodiesel, CJP has
honor to establish this untapped resource as alternative source for Bio- Diesel
industry of future.
About the Plant
KENAF is the second most important natural fibers next to
cotton. Kenaf is a bast fiber crop that has been used for a long time as
cordage, ropes, etc. Kenaf, Species: Hibiscus cannabinus, L.Family: Malvaceae ,
is a warm-season annual fiber crop related to cotton, okra, and hibiscus. The
plants, which reach heights of 8 to 20 feet, are harvested for their stalks
from which the fiber is extracted. Its
coomon names are: English: kenaf , India
(Bengal): mesta, Chennai: palungi, Bombay: deccan hemp, Andhra Pradesh: Bimli
jute, Taiwan: ambari, Egypt & northern Africa: til, teel, or teal.
Indonesia: Java jute, Brazil: papoula de Sao Francisco, South Africa: stokroos
and West Africa: dah, gambo, and rama. Grown for thousands of years in Africa
where its leaves are consumed in human and animal diets, the bast fiber used
for cordage, and the woody core of the stalks burned for fuel; this crop was
introduced into southern Asia around 1900. Principal production areas are China
and India.
Common name:
Botanical references:
Known Hazards:
None known
Original habitat is obscure; it probably arose in the tropics
of Asia or America.
Asia and Africa
of the Plant
The plants are
herbaceous annuals; growing to a height of even 5 m. the stems are straight,
with small prickles: leaves alternate, stipulate, lobed and with serrated
margins,stipules long and pointed: flowers solitary, with short pedicels and
axillary, epicalyx stiff, consisting of seven to eight bracteoles: corolla
larger, spreading pale yellow or yellow with crimson or purplish centre:
stamens numerous on a staminal column: ovary superior, five carpelled: style passes
through staminal column and terminate in five stigmatic branches: fruit
capsule, five loculed each containing four to five seeds. It is mainly as
self-pollinated crop.
Leaves. Kenaf plants produce simple leaves with serrated edges
on the main stalk (stem) and along the branches. The position of these leaves
alternate from side to side on the stalk and branches.
Flowers and Pollination: Kenaf plants produce large showy,
light yellow, creamy colored flowers that are bell-shaped and widely open
flowers are 8 to 13 cm in diameter with 5 petals and are borne singly in the
leaf axis along the stalk and branches. The complete flowers are indeterminate;
therefore the plant continues to produce additional flowers. Although
the plants are highly self-fertile, generally considered self-pollinated, the
plants can be cross-pollinated
and Seed Capsules: Following pollination, a pointed,
ovoid, seed capsule is formed that is about 1.9 to 2.5 cm long and 1.3 to 1.9
cm in diameter. The seed capsules are covered with many small, fine, loosely
held, hairy structures that are very irritating when in contact with human
skin. Each capsule contains 5 segments with a total of 20 to 26 seeds/ capsule.
The slate-black, wedge-shaped kenaf seeds are approximately 6 mm long and 4 mm
wide, with 35,000 to 40,000 seeds/kg. Once pollinated, the seeds require 4 to 5
weeks to maturation
Originated in India and Africa the plant is best grown in
tropics and to some extent in sub-tropics. Kenaf grow almost throughout the
world both in tropical and temperate areas it is sensitive to frost. In India,
kenaf is grown often as a border crop in garden areas where the soil is loamy
and affords good drainage. It is grown mixed with most cereals in dry lands or
as a pure crop. Kenaf is an important fibre crop in South India. It is
cultivated as a rainfed crop in large areas in Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh
and Tamil Nadu. It is sown on the bunds of irrigation channels and in small
patches in garden lands.
Kenaf cultivation requires specific climate and land. It
requires early rains in March, May and June and intermittent rain and sunlight
thereafter till August, temperature between 28°C and 35°C and humidity between
70% and 90%. This type of climate is available in areas between 30° Latitude
North and South of the earth.
One of kenaf’s advantages as a crop, is it can be successfully
grown in a wide range of soil types, from high organic peat soils to sandy
desert soils. Although kenaf grows better on well-drained, fertile soils with a
neutral pH, the crop can withstand late season flooding, low soil fertility,
and a wide range of soil pH values. Kenaf also has shown excellent tolerance to
drought conditions.
The productive cultivation of Kenaf needs to be
scientifically managed for better growth and production. The growth and yield
of the plant could be improved through effective management practices. The
enhanced cultivation technology and improved inputs developed by CJP may
provide plenty of biodiesel without displacing food crop and without utilizing
prime food land in terms of sustainable farming techniques
The key factors that can influence the oil yield of Kenaf are:
- Climate
- Quality
of the soil
- Irrigation
- Weeding
- Pruning
- Use
of fertilizer
- Crop
- High-quality stock
from superior Genotype
- Use
of pesticide
- Inter-cropping
- Harvesting
carefully manages Kenaf cultivation, with advanced crop practices suitable to local
soil, weather, pest, and disease conditions to ensure the high amount of oil as
we have developed enhanced technology with regards to:-
- Planting
materials & other inputs
- Crop
- Irrigation
- Fertilizer
- Pest
& Diseases management.
- Harvesting
- Post
harvest management
- And
finally grading for further process
The key factors
governing profitability of large scale production are:
- Selection of high yielding
varieties with suitable marketable quality.
- Sowing in a proper season, in
compliance with the latest agro techniques.
- Pest control
- Adoption of post harvest
CJP’s Researchers have developed
standardized techniques for growing Kenaf
on large scale. CJP ensures
Organic Kenaf cultivation right from the land preparation, crop management to
production of end product. CJP Kenaf Farms are under the vigilant supervision of
agronomists, who make sure that the latest and best breed of Kenaf is being
planted. However, we keep a close watch on the research results of Kenaf
breeding by studying thousands of Kenaf variants, identifying and collecting
the best sources of high-quality to guarantee a consistently high yield. Accordingly,
the enhanced variety of with regards to seed yield and oil yield and the
enhanced Cultivation techniques may ensure proper and profitable production of
THE OIL CROP providing early fruition and flowering—CJP's
Cultivation Technology”
is available at an
affordable Price
Kenaf Crop Information Growing & Care
Instruction Manual and Monitoring & management system

The cultivation, looking after and harvesting
plants is an important factor and it requires a lot of knowledge, skill and
techniques viz: the best cultivation season to make the plant early matured,
then an amount of seeds to be planted, an irrigation & fertilization
method, a control method of weeds , investigate quality, yield, and degree of
occurrence of several troubles .
As all biological organisms require care and
attention, the need to draw Growing Instructions was being felt by all
Therefore keeping in view Various concerns and
problems of a new Grower; CJP being “The Centre of Excellence” has
designed Kenaf Growing & Care Instructions Manual with Monitoring
& Management System Diary on the basis of our own tried,
tested, developed and experienced Plant Propagation and
Cultivation Technologies and Practices to help you grow a Failsafe Kenaf
Fuel Farm
The Kenaf Growing & Care Instructions manual
provides basic guidance for the project developers to help ensure successful Kenaf
cultivation projects.
Proper planning, cultivation and maintenance are
the key for growing flourishing plants. Simply putting a plant in the ground is
not enough. Careful thought must be given to the purpose of the cultivation,
location of the cultivation and how the Kenaf will be cared for once they are
in the ground.
A properly planted and maintained plant will grow
faster and live longer than one that is incorrectly planted. This booklet is
organized as a step-by-step checklist of fundamentals to help you with your Kenaf
cultivation project
We have sincerely tried to put all steps in
nutshell and hope it will be a useful tool in growing your Biodiesel Plantation
Both the Kenaf publications are
Just Know
Agricultural Extension Kit
CJP has specifically developed and designed a
unique kit for Kenaf plantation and crop
care for 1 hectare called: “Agricultural Extension Kit” – a key to your fuel
farm “just enables & encourages the farmers/ new growers to start the
Biodiesel crop cultivation in a right and prefect manner by adopting the
concept of “sustainable agriculture”.
Kenaf Starter Kit:
Kenaf Agri- Extension Kit contains
K03 Elite cultivation stock for cultivation
in 1 ha
2. an
easy- to- follow growing and crop care instructions manual
3. a
very typical monitoring and management diary
Just Know
Kenaf HYV Elite Seeds
Cultivation Type
Place of Origin
Rajasthan, India
Brand Name
Model Number
2,10,20,50 KG Bags
QUANTITY: 3.0 tons by sea, 2 kg by air
PRICE: quote?
time: 30 days After Payment
TERM:100 % Advance
Phyto sanitary
charge: included
Just Know
Economic Evaluation of Kenaf
Kenaf is an annual fiber
crop of great interest for both the production of industrial raw materials and
as bio-fuel. The main reasons for considering kenaf as a high productivity
multi-purpose non-food of increasing importance are listed below:
Ø It is a multi-purpose crop and can provide raw material
for industrial and energy applications.
Ø The 30-40% of the stem (bark) can be used for several high
value fibre applications while the 60-70% of the stem (core) among several
industrial applications can be used for thermo chemical process (combustion
pyrolysis and gasification).
Ø The high biomass potential and the low inputs of the crop.
Dry matter yields came up to 26 has
been reported
Ø Under the semi-arid conditions, it requires 250-400 mm
of water, which is much lower than in conventional land use largely reassembly cotton
in water requirements.
Ø On the other
hand, considering the low N requirements (50-100 kg N/ha), this crop is
believed comprising an important alternative land use in lands
with poor and moderate water availability.
Ø It offers alternative land use and can be used in a crop
rotation. Kenaf can be cultivated in
rotation system. This is very important in areas devoted to monocultures
(cotton, cereals)
Ø As an annual crop can be used where crop rotation is
indispensable due to local crop disease, weed competition or soil fertility degradation.
High farmer’s perception. Being an annual crop, kenaf does not require a
long-term commitment in land use
Although kenaf is being cultivated worldwide mainly for
fiber production CJP is aiming at addressing the sustainable yielding
potential, the alternative industrial bio-products as well as the fuel quality
of kenaf as a non-food crop, under certain cultivation techniques.
At CJP, we are making all sorts of efforts to introduce
and evaluate kenaf as a non-food crop through an integrated approach for
alternative land use that will provide diversified opportunities for farmers
and biological materials for the “bio-based industries” of the future.
We have determined the sustainable yielding potential
of kenaf, as a non-food crop and have evaluated
the effect of harvest timing and storage methods on quality of raw material. We
have evaluated the suitability of kenaf both for selected industrial and energy
The production and
management systems are being developed for agricultural annual non-food crops, bringing thus costs of
delivery down to commercially accepted levels.
A Feasibility study is required to be carry out
To conduct an
economic evaluation of the whole production chain of the crop for alternative
land use.
Economic analysis
for the crop production chain (Cost of kenaf at farm and at plant gate
(including harvesting, storage and transportation).
Economic comparison
of kenaf with other annual conventional crops.
We perform/provide the prefeasibility study report at
affordable cost
Sample/ Ready Built Business Plans
Sample/ready built Biodiesel business plans are drawn in universal
scenario based on optimum conditions for growing the biodiesel crop worldwide
and on crop specific science, agronomy and economy in wider context
Sample/readymade business plan are available for 20 hectare, 100
hectare and 500 hectare as per details on page
Kenaf Feasibility Study
We recommend carrying out Feasibility Study Report for project size of
5000 hectares or more to determine the land identification and suitability of
growing the Kenaf
Customized, Complete & Comprehensive Kenaf Business Plan
CJP can help clients
identify the needs, opportunities and solutions of their local, regional and
national markets. By identifying these needs and providing management
direction, CJP can help in creating a perfect business plan in order to develop
and manage an effective and successful biodiesel facility. The most critical
component of any business plan is the pro forma, an educated view or projection
of what the performance of a company is capable of, given a specific set of
assumptions and conditions. CJP has been involved in identifying these needs
for specific projects for a number of years and can help develop a realistic
and obtainable:
Income Statement
Balance Sheet
Capital Budget
Cash Flow
Break-even Analysis
Sensitivity Analysis
Assumptions Governing
the Projections
These projections will be valuable in
determining feasibility of the project, securing financing, attracting
investment and guiding management so that the company can reach its full
a detailed quote for a complete and comprehensive Kenaf Biodiesel Business Plan from Farming to fuel, kindly
mail to or
Assistant Director,
Tele: +91-9413334600