MEET 2025
3 days international workshop on Moringa production & application
NOVEMBER 7-9, 2025, Jaipur, India

Moringa Oleifera, an Indian origin plant has gained its importance due to nutraceutical values and is considered as indispensable plant for health management. It is one of the most incredible plants to the mankind as its nutritional and medicinal properties have immense potential to manage malnutrition and prevent and heal many maladies. On realizing the potentiality of Moringa as a nutritional security provider and the high value energy crop, much importance is attached globally, Global Moringa Meet an international Workshop presented by the ADVANCED BIOFUEL CENTER, promises to be an important global Moringa event in exploring best production practices, best horticultural practices, best harvesting practices and best value addition, and , is a must attend for all stakeholders to know the latest research and development activities and to reap the fullest potential of Moringa .
Global Moringa Meet 1st to 6th were 2 days workshop, from 7th Global Moringa Meet ,having egards to popular demand from Moringa stakeholders the Moringa Meet are now for 3 days
Food-based approaches recognize the central role of Moringa in improving nutrition. Moringa Agriculture and food-based strategies focus on food as the primary tool for improving the quality of the diet and for addressing and preventing malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies. The approach stresses the multiple benefits derived from various part of Moringa, a variety of foods, recognizing the nutritional value of food for good nutrition, and the importance and social significance of the agricultural and food sector for supporting rural livelihoods. Inclusion of Moringa farming and food system in existing system of agriculture and food may ensure that nutritional well-being and health of individuals is promoted, incomes and livelihoods supported, and community and national wealth created and protected.
Moringa Oleifera of the family Moringacea, referred as Moringa or drumstick, has attracted the attention of scientists across the globe for health management due to its high nutraceutical traits. Thus, it is emerging as future crops considering its wider adaptability and tolerance to many abiotic stresses. Accordingly, it became essential to take stock of knowledge and develop a road map to harness its potential for benefit of mankind. Therefore, Moringa India has all set to hold Global Moringa Meet 2025 from Nov 7-9, at Jaipur, India This Moringa Meet aims to stimulate a discussion on the burning theme of Moringa Agriculture for sustainable growth: challenges and opportunities for a new Green Revolution This meeting assumes much greater significance now to understand the crop and devise a mean for harness its potentiality.
The Advanced Biofuel Center is delighted to announce the (ABC) 3 Day Moringa State of Art International Training viz. Global Moringa Meet 2025 to be held on 7-9 November at Jaipur, India. India meets more than 80% demand of Moringa Products and thereby enjoying dominant position in the World Moringa Scenario. The global Moringa Products market estimated to be over US$ 12 billion is highly dependent on India. ABC in its attempt to bring the Moringa fraternity together is organizing this 8th International workshop to deliberate and focus on the growing and harvesting Moringa. This 3 days International workshop will also provide a unique opportunity for open discussions & exchange of views about the issues pertaining to Moringa business
The Overview

To explore the subject in unprecedented breadth and depth, India based Advanced Biofuel Center (ABC)s Global Moringa Meet focuses on the entire Moringa production from Ground zero to scale from Nov 7-9, 2025, Jaipur, India. Topics are carefully selected to cover the Agronomy, Horticulture, Biology, Engineering, Marketing and Financial aspects of Moringa commercialization. ABC is recognized as an important platform for productive exchanges among the Academic, Commercial and Investment communities. Join us at this unique knowledge platform to share the latest information on: An Update from the Moringa Industry Advances in Moringa Research & development Production Systems Commercial track of Moringa Leading the Way to New heights Harvesting and Extraction Frontiers of Moringa Biotechnology and so on. This shall address biofuels-related topic within four thematic areas: environment and human well-being, economics, technology, and geography.

The Global Moringa Meet 2025 is the 8th critical workshop to be held in India aimed at helping Moringa farmers and project developers around the world to understand the Moringa crop and add value to their Moringa Business Activity. The workshop will focus on the practical considerations of cultivation, management and business potential of Moringa from the perspective of Moringa producer, processer, practioner and Moringa Business developer. The earlier Moringa workshops have enjoyed tremendous success and have positioned Moringa as one of the most viable sources of food and fuel.

The 2025 Global Moringa Meet will be led by world class Moringa Expert and scientists, who have extensive practical experience in the development of Moringa .Over the two days of the Moringa Production to Applications workshop, Course Leaders will discuss 9 Essential practices that will enhance existing Moringa cropping systems, and take the Moringa Olefeira crop to an ideal model for industrial cultivation.
These Key Practices Include:
- Selections of Elites of Moringa for higher productivity per acre
- Proper techniques for nurturing saplings in Nursery
- Healthy Practices to Reduce Incidence of Diseases
- Maximising Returns by effective implementation of Intercropping
- Minimizing the use of Fertilizers & Irrigation
- Best Practices in Silviculture to increase productivity and ease harvest
- Cutting back on Losses during Seed Harvest, Storage & Oil Extraction
- Value Addition to Moringa Projects with use of by products.
- Proper Moringa leaf growing, harvesting and processing techniques
Scientists and experts at Moringa India have over 20 years of extensive expertise and varied practical experience in the cultivation of Moringa in a variety of soil types.
What is the opportunity
The members of Moringa crop industries can use the resources to be outlined in the meeting to collectively focus on their goals and pursue them in ways that improve their chances of making best bet decisions. This will involve identifying consumer needs, clearly defining the Moringa crop product, establishing the human and technical components of the supply chain and entering a commercial market, once appropriate benchmarks for investment, growth and returns have been set. Applying such an approach to Moringa crop industry, one can also provide a framework for the industry to determine its needs in terms of future growth, research and development
What is to be Learnt

The 2025 Global Moringa Meet; Moringa Production to Applications Workshop to be held on 7-9 November, INDIA guarantees focus on essential practices in Moringa planting, harvesting and processing. The workshop will redirect Moringa Cultivation Activity towards the greater returns, as participants will be able to compare Best Practices in Planting, Harvesting & Processing.
Interactive Sessions on
- Moringa Biodiversity to design crops Potential species, selection methods, Gremplasm, Genomic, Genetic Improvement & Propagation
- Moringa Production systems Biology & Physiology, Soil Management, Agronomy, Horticulture- Orchard Design & Management, Harvesting, drying, extraction
- Moringa Processing Leave, Powder, oil & Biodiesel
- Moringa in Agriculture Plant protection, animal health, soil conditioning
- Moringa in Food Supplement Health food additives
- Moringa in Medical Health-promoting Properties
- Moringa in cosmetics Beauty promoting properties
- Moringa Biodiesel Oil technology & Quality, Economy & Marketing,

Moringa has demonstrated a favourable response to many of the practices and techniques currently used in agriculture, but research is needed to understand its unique properties that can be manipulated to coax the crop to reach its fullest potential. Among agronomic questions that can only be readily got answered in the programme with assurance are:
Provisional agenda of upcoming Fifth international training programme on Moringa oleifera
Session 1: Biology, Biodiversity & Physiology
Topics: Gremplasm, Genomic, Genetic Improvement & Propagation
- Taxonomy
- Biodiversity
- Breeding, varietal evaluation and improvement
- Ecological adaptation
- Seed and plant propagation
Session 2: Production Technology & Agro ecosystem
Topics: Tree Crop Management Horticulture
- Farm Design & Management
- Agronomics and sustainability
- Climate and soil
- Cropping systems and production economics
- Integrated crop management with focus on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
- Low-input organic production
- Harvesting, postharvest and processing
- Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
Session 3: Nutrition and Health
Topics: Nutritional Benefits and Medicinal Properties
- Moringa in traditional and alternative medicine
- Clinical studies on health benefits of Moringa
- Nutritional studies for improved health
- Nutritional quality of Moringa plant parts (leaf, fruit/pod, seed, root, flower)
- Moringa nutrition and health products in the market
Session 4: Industrial Uses of Moringa
Topics: Commercial and Industrial Utilization
- Moringa Oil and Oil technology & Quality
- Next Generation Biofuel Feedstock
- Water treatment
- Moringa in cosmetics industry
Session 5: Economics and Sectoral Issues
Topics: Economy, Marketing & Health-promoting Properties
- Market demand and its perspectives: Food, health, cosmetic
- Organic Moringa production
- Market, quality standards and international trade
Session 6: Practical Session: Learn by doing

Who should attend
The Forming and Managing Supply Chains in Agribusiness learning package helps managers to learn what is required to hand craft their own supply chain as a way of improving their Moringa crop enterprises chances of success. The package would be of interest to anyone in the Moringa crop development process, but is specially targeted at those who are close to the full commercialization stage.
The 2024 Global Moringa Meet is a must for:
- Research Institutes
- Moringa Plantation developers
- Moringa producers + providers to the industry
- Waste water managers
- End-users & intermediary processors
- Consultants
- Investors
- Energy professionals
- Government officials
- Agriculture Projects
- Food & feed
- Moringa oil
- Pharma
- (Aviation) Biofuels
- Water management
- Nutriceuticals
- Equipment, technology & infrastructure
The Global Moringa Meet 2025 shall Highlights the updated research and technology; Experts will meet to reveal the latest developments in Moringa research, the newest agricultural, horticultural, harvesting and modification techniques, and tell how the process can be scaled up. It will provide an excellent opportunity to the investors, entrepreneurs, renewable fuel experts, their associates and academia to share their experiences and knowledge on Moringa. It will give them an excellent opportunity to know more about the latest research and developments in production .The Programme would cover all the topics related to Moringa Industry
Global Moringa Meet 2025 will have the unfolding of the latest status of Moringa farming to lucrative market of nutraceuticals and to develop new business avenues and also to strengthen the existing ones.
Entrepreneurs around the globe are finding new ways to monetize the Moringa plant thanks to the pioneering research of Moringa expert at Moringa India shares how easy it is to utilize 100% of the Moringa plant for food, health, fodder, feed, biodiesel and other profit generating revenue streams.
Moringa India will also be showcasing its latest integrated Moringa farm development process knowledge system In addition; there will be live and hands-on demonstrations of Moringa nursery, plantation, oil extraction etc. at Moringa farm and at R & D center.
Throughout the three day Meet, attendees will know and learn insights and best practices with world top Moringa Scientists and experts, which can positively impact the bottom line of the organizations/ companies attending.
To unlock the efficiency of your Moringa projects to maximize returns, having access to the latest developments in Moringa R&D is a must. By joining us at the 8th Moringa Meet, you will be presented with the up-to-the-minute R&D findings from top Moringa researchers themselves.
Based on past experience, this event attracts attendees from the USA, African Countries, Continental Europe, UK, latin American countries, Australia and Asia.
The ABC is proud of introducing cutting edge technology to harness the power of Moringa as it has incredible strength in terms of Moringa research and technology and we hope, with the help of our expertise and experience participants shall see real opportunities for using this opportunity as a hub of excellence and knowledge to progress the Moringa industry.
The 2025 Global Moringa Meet is the most authoritative Moringa Programme and the ONLY event that you need to attend to keep abreast of the development in international Moringa sector. Now is a good time to confirm your participation at Global Moringa Meet 2025 and avoid disappointment as seats at the Programme sell out fast!
This is a NOT to be MISSED Opportunity to new growers to start MORINGA BUSINESS
This is a NOT to be MISSED Opportunity to new Business entrepreneur to start MORINGA BUSINESS
This is a NOT to be MISSED Opportunity to new Practitioner to start practicing with MORINGA
Seize this opportunity to begin business with Moringa and REGISTER Today
Please Pre-register here for further details and obtaining registration form.
Do not hesitate to call me or mail me
Here is to your success in Moringa!
+91 9829423333 (WhatsApp)
Skype: cjp-india
T: +91 141 2335839 F: +91 141 2335968 M: +91 9829423333
Skype: cjp-india