Centre for Jatropha promotion & biodiesel (CJP) has been working in the field of jatropha promotion for biodiesel production and become a pioneer of Physic nut Plantation &Production. CJP’s research findings and on-hand field experiences in respect of various technical, agronomical/silvicultural aspects of plantations of jatropha in various categories of land as well under different plantation models have resulted in significant improvements in knowledge and technical background related to Productivity, profitability and sustainability of commercial production of jatropha oil crop. Based on our proprietary knowledge and extensive experience gained we have developed Based on our proprietary knowledge and extensive experience gained we have developed and enhanced a wide range of Products for creating a “FALESAFE JATROPHA FUEL FARM”
CJP can offer Jatropha renewable energy projects with many plans, resources and proven profitable models. Our specialty is business planning with the focus on high productivity and profitability.
The sequence of services required for establishment of large scale Failesafe Jatropha Plantation from ground zero to harvesting stage shall be as below:
Conduct a feasibility study – hire a consultant
Write a business plan
Form a board of business experts
Solicit financing
Hire a engineering company
Develop the markets
Built the plant and the business
Feedstock supply
Market size
Govt. polices & incentives
Financing & fund sources
Business structure & community involvement
Sensitivity analysis
Plant & operating cost
To start Jatropha Biodiesel Business, You need a perfect plan to know important factors. Your success shall be well written in there. Business plans can be consuming in terms of time and money. The preparation of Business plan needs expertise, a better understanding of how to prepare, analyze and interpret financial statements. This may seem like a complicated time consuming task.
Therefore, just save to your time and money, make the task easy and provide you with the necessary tools to more effectively analyze financial statements and make informed business decisions we have formulated various Jatropha Biodiesel farming business plans from farming to fuel based on our extensive experience, research and knowledge.
The business plan should identify production costs, as well as operating costs, including equipment, land, construction permitting, labor, inputs and financing, utilities, and financial projections. A business plan is usually made up of the following section:
Business Request Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Business Description
Market Analysis
Marketing Plan
Product of Services
Manufacturing Plan
Financial Data
Supporting Documents
We believe our experience in Jatropha energy projects is marketable and proven with integrity.
We formulate and provide customized complete & comprehensive Jatropha biodiesel business plans for 100 ha to 1000 000 ha ( From Farming to Fuel) as per your requirement
For more information kindly contact:
Director, Business Development
Centre For Jatropha Promotion & Biodiesel(C J P)
B-132, SAINIK BASTI, CHURU-331001, Rajasthan, India
TELE: +91 1562 255575
FAX: +91 1562 255575
Hand Phone: +91 9413343550, +91 9829423333
Email: jatrophacurcas@gmail.com
URL: http://www.jatrophaworld.org